Immune Tolerance Network, TrialShare Quickstart Guide Close Quickstart Guide

About the Immune Tolerance Network

The Immune Tolerance Network (ITN) is an international clinical research consortium sponsored by NIAID, part of the National Institutes of Health, whose mission is to accelerate the clinical development of immune tolerance therapies through a unique development model. The ITN development model is a highly interactive process that capitalizes on our wide-ranging, multidisciplinary expertise, provided by an advisory board of highly respected faculty from institutions world-wide. The ITN collaborates with investigators to develop high quality research studies that look beyond the traditional clinical trial endpoints of safety and efficacy, integrating hypothesis-driven, mechanism-based research into every clinical trial. Visit for more information about the Immune Tolerance Network.

ITN Policies: ITN's general policies can be found here on the website. These currently include Publications Policy, Sample Sharing Policy, Data Sharing Policy, and TrialShare Access and Usage Policy.